Originally Posted by Beaver10

The school boards certainly make it attractive to those woke individuals coming out of college to come partake in the transformation of Merika.


Teachers colleges, or more rather, all higher education is now simply a money laundering scheme for the Left. Check prices to go and who they hire and what they pay them.

Have a niece who is Department Head of Political Science at Vanderbilt, worst sort of Liberal Loonie, she makes way too much money, but, turns and donates back to the Democrats Nationally and in Nashvagas.

Had me come and "debate" a leftest attorney on gun rights, I ate his lunch and I am not that bright, but know my stuff on the topic. (have not been invited back, did not go as planned methinks)

To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.-Richard Henry Lee

Endowment Member NRA, Life Member SAF-GOA, Life-Board Member, West TN Director TFA