There was some famous gun writer that claimed he favored one shot groups on hunting rifles. On successive days he would shoot one or two shots at the same target, in just a few days, he had some idea of what the rifle capable of in real world hunting situation. I think there is some merit to his reasoning. I personally tried it with a pre-war custom German 9.3 that recoiled enough to make me doubt my bench ability. Sure enough, my week long group was a little better than my one session group. Which is not a valid qualifier, but, it gave me the confidence to hunt with a fine old rifle, tight bedded, as made in 1927. And, I don't know if I've just been lucky, but in over a half century of hunting I can only remember of two instances that required more than one shot.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.