Originally Posted by Happy_Camper
Originally Posted by ShaunRyan
Originally Posted by Happy_Camper
If it we're me, I would try this BEFORE ever considering chemical or radiation treatments and get off sugar, simple carbs, processed foods, etc.

I have friends who's oncologists had candy dishes in the IV room. Sugar feeds cancer and acidifies the body.

My wife was Stage IV. Had surgery, did four rounds of chemo and quit. Did the no sugar thing and lots of turmeric and black pepper, along with 1 year of 2 grams of Rick Simpson oil per week, taken orally. She still does a vial every 6 months.

The surgery was in March of 2015.

Her oncologist also had candy in his office and IV room.

It's good to hear she is past that death sentence that too many doctors stamp their patients with as if they are doomed.
My heart goes out to you both as it's hard to think of anything more stressful than that diagnosis.
I don't have an argument with those who choose to do the chemo route. That's their choices. My problem is with Drs offices who offer cancer food in the last place you'd expect it. Then they don't even give basic nutrition recommendations to patients. It hurts to see the bald little girls who are given coupons for McDonald's after their treatments. They suffer more than they should IMHO.

She must be benefitting from the oil since she still uses it.
Do you mind sharing the benefits of what and how the chemo, diet, oil, etc worked or didn't sometime? I am constantly trying to learn from other's success stories.

The chemo made her sicker than the cancer did. Both of us regret her submitting to it, but the docs are real good at scaring the crap out of people and then pimping their "treatment." In my opinion--and hers as well--chemo didn't help at all, quite the opposite. Turmeric with black pepper (cooked) is a known cancer killer, as is alkalinity in the body, as Dr. Coldwell explained in the OP's video. Vitamins C and D in the most natural form you can get them. Just eating good food and not processed garbage is/was huge, and I believe that applies to good health in general and not just cancer. The video below details how one can eat to "starve" cancer. Green tea is also said to be beneficial and my wife drank a lot of it for the first few years and still drinks a pitcher or two a week, blended with black tea, lemon juice, and raw honey. She would also weaponize sugar occasionally, eating or drinking a small amount of something sweet in conjunction with vitamin C or a large amount of turmeric and black pepper. Don't know how effective that was but she's still kicking and did more research than me.

The Rick Simpson oil is full-strength cannabis oil, not CBD. It has THC in it. There are lots of studies and testimonials out there but the gist is that THC kills cancer. We know a guy in Michigan who makes it, and that's why we moved there after her having surgery and quitting chemo. She'd take a vial and go to bed for 24 hours, way beyond stoned. It would just put her to sleep. The guy that we got it from successfully treated his own cancer with it (prostate), and had many other clients who also found it beneficial. Taking the concentrated oil is not the same as smoking weed recreationally.

Rick Simpson Oil

Cancer is a multi-billion dollar industry. I don't believe our health care system has any interest in curing it, only profiting from treating it, along with every other disease, most of which are caused by the crappy processed foods people eat, the gallons of various types of flavored sugar water they drink, and the toxic chemicals they not only ingest on a regular basis but also put onto their skin and surround themselves with in their homes, vehicles, and workplaces, none of which, while perhaps studied for adverse effects individually, has been studied to find out how it interacts or combines with others in the human body. There are endless combinations; everyone uses a different combination of products. No realistic way to study that.

I've said before that in my opinion the best diet for good health is the 19th century farm diet. If great-great grandma couldn't process it on her farm, don't eat it. Combine it with the drop-and-give-me 20 diet. A life of sedentary ease and convenience sounds great in the marketing copy, but look at the results. The system that produces those results at great profit then makes bank "treating" the maladies they caused. The FDA? Feral Diabolical Fiends, to put it politely.

It ain't natural.

Haul ass, haul ass! - Pappy