There was a fellow that owned land behind and beside us where we used to live. He was diagnosed with lung cancer. He went through the chemo and radiation which he said essentially burned his body up. He did some research and ended up eating a diet of non processed food. He bought his food fresh from the farmers market in Dallas and cut out all processed food. Whether the diet helped him or not I cannot say but he was cancer free for years and was still kicking when we moved. Doctor Judy Mikovits claims Ivermectin has good properties for curing immune system problems which cancer is.
I just don't know but I will say that the medical community have been knuckle dragging neanderthals concerning the most horrific illnesses we face. Just about everything we eat or drink is treated including the water we drink with something. I do know they had cancer long ago. My mother in law who died years ago at 90 told me they didn't know what to call it so they called it "consumption".
There ain't no easy answers but I am pretty sure Rush Limbaugh explored a lot of things before the end. Cancer is a terrible thing and it touches all too many of our lives.