An alkaline body isn't exactly a cure for cancer but it certainly is the path toward combating it. The Koreans and Japanese have been doing this for centuries. Alkaline and high Oxidation Reduction Potential water is used for almost any ailment in their culture. In addition, the Okinawans are famous for eating coral calcium to help raise body pH.

But homeostasis forces your body back into a normal pH range regardless how much alkaline water you drink or supplements you take. Your average blood pH is in the 7.35 to 7.45 pH range. One has to work pretty hard to force blood much higher and if you do, alkalosis can trigger a whole host of other life threatening problems for you. They call it homeostasis for a reason.

If you want a healthy immune system, cut out all sugar and carbs and consume more saturated fats - nut and avocado oils are best. Your PSA for the day.

Last edited by STRSWilson; 12/06/21.

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum