Put two inexpensive Brondell brands in my house. They are cold water and will get your attention but after having one I never want to do without again. Mine have two modes so that it keeps women's cooch cleaner too- anyone gonna complain about that?

So much easier on the backside and say good bye to...re-visits to get rid of itchiness. Much more hygienic and ultimately a heck of a lot more comfort.

As for using extra water I am betting it takes less to use a bidet several times than even a single re-visit or second flush.

Dillonbuck- you use a lot less toilet paper with a Bidet. Just a few squares to 'pat' your backside- practically no wiping needed.

Funny story- my 30 yo daughter came over and saw it in the guest bath room and wasn't sure how it worked. She walked out of the bathroom slowly with wet forehead. We all cracked up- told her it as not for flossing.

When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are something to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honors are something to be ashamed of
. Confucius