Mackay Sagebrush: Consider this, as an opposing view of your "contention"!
I have many, many, many dozens of collectors guns - guns I bought as an investment and never intended to shoot.
In addition to the investment guns I now own, I have bought and sold a few hundred more over the last 6 decades and I do not recall losing money on any of those - some I shot some I just enjoyed the pride of ownership and then enjoyed the profit I made on those investment guns.
Consider those profits as untaxed if you will - try and do that with your "stocks and bonds", IF they appreciate at all - and try not to pay taxes on those that do appreciate (been there done that!)!
For instance one wonderful collector gun I bought years ago (a mint condition pre-64 Winchester Model 70 in caliber 22 Hornet) I recently turned down a cash offer that was just over 11 (eleven!) times what I paid for it.
I have owned that Rifle for decades and enjoyed every year of doing so.
Come July of next year though I will begin selling my collection (including that wonderful Hornet!) and my profits will be kept private - no taxation.
There are many reasons to buy guns - and take it from someone who knows, "shooting" them, is definitely NOT the only one!
Long live the Second Amendment.
Hold into the wind