Apostle Paul accomplished more in a few years than any of us will accomplish in our entire lifetimes. No one will know any of our names in 2,000 years; no one will quote us. None of us will say things that will endure through the ages. 2,000 years from now, nobody’s gonna be talking about anything that any of us ever said or did.

He got on a boat that none of us would ever dream of getting on, and went across the Mediterranean to dangerous places; he got beat up, snake-bit, stoned, shipwrecked, and on and on and on. And he planted all these churches around the Mediterranean to reach Gentile people like most of us, and the reason we know many of the things we know today is not because of what he thought, but because of what he did. And he did it without Motrin and electricity. Pretty incredible, really.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.