Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
We just started watching it a week ago. Been bingewatching, up into
3rd season.
Wife gets mad at me.
Looking at the houses, they aren't houses on a 7 generation ranch.
They are wannabe ranchers lodges.
The Cabella's decor sets it off.

Really like the I-Joists visible under Rip's porch.


Not realistic for a family owned ranch for generations, and for that many generations. There's a saying...and it usually holds true. Most likely that place would have been lost/sold three plus generations ago.

Anyone that worked on a big outfit like they are claiming on the Yellowstone, no women living in the bunkhouse. The whores would of been booted, not hired.

The roping scenes are lacking, other than chasing one down the arena at the home place.
Oh wait and roping one bull?