Originally Posted by Houston_2
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by Tyrone
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
If 92% of the nation is vaxxed, is it any surprise that 60% of hospitalizations are vaxxed. That leaves 8% of the population accounting for 40% of hospitalizations. Does that not reveal something to you.

Idaho has a 46% vaxx rate. About 86% of hospitalizations are unvaxed. 88% of ICU admissions are unvaxxed. Almost 90% of C-19 deaths in Idaho are unvaxxed.

That should also tell you something.
Trouble is, you don't know much, if anything about that 8% cohort.
You *think* it's made up of fat, stupid people but you don't know. You don't know that the 8% is largely made up of people who have illnesses/conditions that contraindicate the vax.

No, I don't "think: anything. I freely admit no knowledge of Israel's vaxxed vs unvaxxed demographic.

But I am well aware of the demographic in Idaho which refuses the vaccine.

By and large, it is not those in failing health.

In Idaho, the vaxxed who end up in ICU are predominantly in extremely failing health.

Your last paragraph would pretty much apply across the board one would think.

Uh, no!

Despite so many claims to the contrary on this board, covid has killed a lot of people with no or very minor health concerns prior to Covid infection.

While it has been recognized for over a year that none of the covid vaccines can guarantee to prevent infection.

It is well proven they do a great job of lessening the seriousness of the infection. Even in old fuquers with seriously compromised lungs.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.