I haven’t read all of this but my brother went to ITT in Portland and finished after two years with job offers working on cell phone towers and making twice what I was making as a state employee with a four year degree.

Where I live plumbers are booked way out and seem to make great money. Makes me think it would be a good way to go for my some of my kids.

My daughter is looking at a three year program for a certificate to do ultrasounds. seems to make decent money in has jobs available. She will be investing three years in her education as opposed to the six my wife and I each put in each of ours making about double coming out.

On the other hand, my college roommate went back to school and got his masters in outdoor recreation. I did not think He would find a real job at all and thought he would be in trouble. Instead, he spent the last two decades teaching kids how to fish, Climb, kayak, etc. for good money and benefits. I am happy for him but Makes me a little jealous...

Last edited by IDMilton; 01/20/22.

The never-ending flight
Of future days.
Paradise Lost. Book ii. Line 221