You fight a Stone Age people with modern weaponry and unlimited resources, who is going to win. Any resistance is killed and anyone agreeing to reservation life becomes an instant welfare state.

Essentially you have killed the fighters and those that had any resistance to the impending culture conflict, leaving only the non aggressive pacifists that will settle for beads, beef and blankets rather than fight. Any leadership among the tribes was killed or rounded up and imprisoned leaving nothing but welfare recipients to occupy the reservations and produce the following generations of non productive left overs to continue the population.

100 years later what is left of the indigenous peoples can’t help but see how other worthless minorities have benefited from white guilt and they want some for themselves. Under the same circumstances all the white culture would go for the same handouts. As a matter of fact it is already happening in most of the major cities and it isn’t all done by blacks and Latinos.

Originally Posted by RJY66

I was thinking the other day how much I used to hate Bill Clinton. He was freaking George Washington compared to what they are now.