Originally Posted by shaman
I was shown the pasture today. Thankfully it wasn't the glue truck.

At 1000, I was invited to a meeting in the boardroom. Much to my surprise, there was my boss, having driven down from Mansfield in a snowstorm. The head of HR was there, and we had my Boss' boss and the VP of HR on video conference.

They gave me a letter and my last paycheck and started to launch into a heartfelt and complicated dissertation

"OK," I said. "Let's get to the nub. No problem. I'll go turkey hunting."

I've been there 5 years. I was retired already when I took the gig, and just didn't like staying at home and writing novels. It was a nice gig, but I have always had a propensity for working myself out of a job. I finished up my big projects before Christmas. They were shutting down the plant starting last June. I thoroughly accepted getting aced. I'd been waiting for it since August. I was just happy I got past the 1st of the year; they have to pay me for 3 weeks of vacation on top of the severance package.

My boss was new to all this. She stuck with me while I cleaned out my desk and let me go around on the floor and wish folks goodbye. I haven't had so many women cry over me leaving, but that's how it goes. I made it home by Noon.

What now? If anyone needs a bit jockey, I'll talk to them. I've got 40 years in the profession. However, I've got 200 acres of prime deer and turkey land that I'm aching to get back to. I also have a new Brown Bess musket that needs to be broken in. I think this may be my last round-up. Tell the girls at the whore house I'll miss 'em. Somebody drop by the saloon and tip the bartender for me.

Shaman I visited your web stie recently. Looks to me like you're having too much fun to be working full time anyway. God bless and enjoy.

Good luck and shoot straight y'all