Way to go! You'll love retirement once you get to actually do it. But first comes, Dad/Grandpa, can you help us out? We need a new outlet put in the kitchen and a drain pipe is leaking and......and......
I remember the last couple days I worked I got asked by a couple of the bosses how I was going to get out the shop's gate since they were taking my company ID before I left for the last time. I said I would wait for someone to pull up to the gate and use their ID, then go out with them when the gate opened. I was told I would be fired for that. I laughed and said that's great. You fire me and I get a half years pay. Since I was taking a early buyout I was already getting a half years pay to leave. That would mean I get a whole years pay. I would leave on Friday and still be retired on Monday. They didn't do anything. I still left as I said I would.

When you can get the last word with an echo, you may have the last word with your wife. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce
If goose was the only meat, there would be a lot more vegetarians. - Lloyd Adams, waterfowl hunter