I grow a big garden every year, plus grow stuff inside a high tunnel. I'm getting ready to plant some potatoes and green peas in the high tunnel this weekend. Traditionally, I have always had a large garden, because I find it just as easy to work a lot as opposed to just a little. I also sell some produce at the local produce auction, although I have cut back on that quite a lot, as it gets harder to gather the produce as I get older. We can and freeze our garden bounty, plus I give a lot of it away as well.

Here is what I usually plant............potatoes, green peas, onions, beets, cabbage, broccoli, sweet corn, green beans, squash, tomatoes, okra, purple-hull peas, green peppers, hot peppers, butter beans, cucumbers, pinto beans, pumpkins and gourds. I also have big strawberry patch, blackberries that I grow for market, raspberries, blueberries, apple trees, a cherry tree, asparagus, and a grapevine from which I have had zero luck getting grapes that are worth a crap.

I probably forgot a veggie or two, but that's what I usually plant each year. I have a granddaughter who takes the veggies and fruit to local fair and always comes home with a bunch of ribbons and money. I am just following what I grew up doing, as my folks always had a large garden.