Originally Posted by IA_fog
Having a heck of a time getting tomatoes to turn! Been this way for 12 days now

Tomatoes like Sunshine, Heat, Humidity, natural Water,(Rain).
Each different Tomatoes, depending on the Many Different Varieties, take different lengths of time to mature, albeit averaging 60 days or so.
Sometimes when the weather is cooler, and not Hot and Steamy, as Tomatoes Love, I will water with Warm Water, and a Little bit of Epsom Salts to up the Magnesium!

Works Wonders, and will kick them off! Natural fertilizer, instead of Mira cal grow, or man made, possibly harmful, fertilizers.

I Learned a long time ago to Separate My Want's from My Needs!

A man's Gotta Do What a Man's Gotta Do!

Know Thy Self!