Originally Posted by DryPowder

The OP started this thread two years ago and has probably got a bag by now so excuse my irrelevant experience.

I started this thread March, 2020. Covid hit with a vengeance and I just put this on the back burner since I was not going hunting and more important things were going on.

I did finally order the Western Mountaineering Seqouia bag since it was recomended here, but I have not even received it yet, it is on the way. Since I do expect to deploy for Wildland Fire work this season and I was told by my employer to bring a bag with at least a 0F rating, as guys were cold at altitude late in the season at Lake Tahoe. We get little enough rest as is, so when it is time to sleep I need to be warm and comfortable. Staying in a tent for weeks on end with no heat, the sleeping bag is the only place to go to get warm at night.

N.R.A. Endowment Life Member