Originally Posted by mark shubert
Originally Posted by Stickfight
Originally Posted by jackmountain
Half the boomers are married

Half, roughly, are dead. (Thanks for helping COVID!) We will have to wait a ways for the last half but that is our only hope to deny the franchise to these Jews. Boomers LOVE the kikes, and they can't be convinced otherwise, so saving the West depends on their dying out.

Your kids kids will benefit from this. Trust the plan and the like.
As a "Boomer" - you can GFY - I've made my decisions over many years.
I don't care about color, or religion. I care about how a person conducts themself.
If'n you wanna be queer, for that matter, IDC - just don't flaunt it to me!
Live your life, and let me live mine!
Thanks Boomer! You not caring while the other side has and does care and pushes an agenda is exactly why we are where we are. It’s not been an equal playing field and your mentality is to blame.

The left lives for color, non Christian religions, gender, “sexual orientation” open borders. Burying your head in the ground professing not to care while that’s all the left cares about as do most of those minority groups has been a huge mistake. The only people that don’t see life and society through that prism are gullible whites.