BGG is absolutely right about hypocrites.

But it goes far beyond Ukes and Russ...

Ford and Toyota...

Amazon chit from Chyna...

It really is (at least in my mind) how a man deals with his ass being sold down the river by someone else... in every arena.

From .GOV over-regulation in EVERYTHING.

From Hornady and Carhartt selling out... to the whole DocRocket world of RX for $$$.

A lotta you guys in safe places like MT, WY, AK TN et al are not actually safe... just a few years of lead lag behind the chit we have been fighting here in Virginia for for a decade plus.

This is not a shot at you BGG... my guess is that you have balls of steel... but moreover a shot at the hypocrites that talk the "America First" talk... BUT DO NOT walk the "America First" walk.

Teachers Unions and the UAW are some of the most dangerous groups in America... they will sell your ass (and your kid's asses) down the river in the blink of an eye.

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.