I just visited the site a few days ago. It was my first visit to the actual battlefield, and to say I was blown away was an understatement. It is not at all as I had envisioned it all these years. Seeing it in person allowed me to see elevation and big picture perspective.
It is very easy to “Monday Morning Quarterback” the entire military operation after the dust has settled. I’m sure some things were probably quite different in real time. A few things that came to mind while on the battlefield, was why in the hell did Custer choose THIS location as his point of ambush? I mean, he had the higher ground and all, but was vastly outnumbered with little to no cover for a stealthy approach. It appears from his final resting place that he was in full view of the entire Indian Camp the second he crested the ridge. So many questions that perhaps will never be answered with anything more than speculation.

Buy once, cry once.