Happy Father's Day to you my friend, I hope you're having a good one and getting the weather you need.

If you don't mind sir, are those Cottontails? The reason I ask is we've got Nuttall's Cottontails up here, but we're just about as far north as they go, so they're blue listed/endangered here and we can't shoot them.

We've been known to bring home Snowshoe Hares as they're a favorite of my son-in-law, who happens to be a fantastic cook and makes a rabbit stew second to none. He does use a fair bit of bacon in it, so there is that - but still Mackay, it's really good!

Lastly if you're so inclined I'd love to hear the story on the old Flat Top 3 screw.

All the best.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"