Regarding grilled ribs, I think that they can turn out really, really good.

Hell, in the 80's and 90's hardly anyone that I knew had a dedicated smoker. And if they did, it was something that was towed behind a truck or an immovable object in the backyard. But people cooked the hell out of ribs on grills and I don't think anyone complained. I can't say that anything off of a pellet grill today tastes any better.

Grilling ribs is also super easy. If they look like they are cooking too fast, move to a cooler part of the grill, turn the heat down, or prop the lid like your friend. Low and slow is also pretty easy, but it takes a lot longer to see the results. And I don't recall ever making grilled ribs too tender. I've made that mistake a few times at 225F, but that might just be me losing track of time.

I don't use foil or any wrap when grilling, so the ribs don't get steamed or sit in any liquid. Maybe fat and juices dripping on the fire add more flavor? I don't know, but I have been to some local rib joints that people really like and I think that one can do just as good at home or better, and without any special equipment.

The only thing that I use a dedicated smoker for anymore is for fish. Otherwise, I just use a smoke generator for cold smoke or throw chips or pellets on lump for a bit of flavor. Then grill. And sometimes even the oven.

I think GregW has posted that he just grills on lump and doesn't even bother adding additional smoke.

I tried MossyMO's hot and fast ribs a few months ago and they turned out awesome. And you get that crust all around each rib piece. May not be traditional, but dang tasty and easy!

Last edited by 4th_point; 07/05/22.