Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Bullshït. I knew Trump was a POS all the way back in the 80’s. Plenty of us knew exactly who he is long before y’all got wood for him. To include being a racist and molester of women.

Marc Short (Pence’s Chief of Staff) testified before a federal grand jury just now. The very people around him in the White House- MAGA people- are taking him down, under oath, in admissible testimony, for real, because they SAW in person that he’s a seditious piece of crap. Trump will never be president again. He’ll be lucky to stay out of jail.

Just telling you the truth. Sorry if it causes butt-hurt but someone needs to tell you guys what’s actually happening, apparently.

You telling anyone anything is pathetic at best. So you bring up Trump’s past life of indiscretion and forget who your Muslim pal Obama and your racist pal, Biden were and never did change…

President Joe Biden wants Americans to remember their country's racist legacy. We should take this advice.

Biden spoke in Oklahoma Tuesday on the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Massacre. In one of our country's more shameful events — one we must learn from, condemn unconditionally, and never forget — white racists murdered estimates of hundreds and destroyed more than 1,000 structures throughout the wealthy Black community of Greenwood.

"The Klan was founded just six years before," Biden said. "And one of the reasons why it was founded was because of guys like me, who were Catholic... it was about making sure that all those Polish and Irish and Italian and Eastern European Catholics who came to the United States after World War One would not pollute Christianity."

Somewhere out there is a bus with your name on it and it isn’t for taking a ride…

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]