I remember back 30 years or so ago when I was a kid and I had a go-cart.

It was some sort illegal act or road faux pas to ride it on city streets.

I grew up in a series of trailer parks and subdivisions. Dah-Dah was in the army, we didnt have 12,000 acres or a Little Debbie truck parked outside.

So anyway, I enjoyed no freedoms to ride my machine with risk of govt confiscation and penalties.

But ya know…now a days….I see fatfoucks and little punk kids with jiggly man titties bouncing up and down and hauling ASSSSSSS up and down state and county roads with no jack booted harrassment. “I gots me little orange thingie ons de back, Im untouchable “ whut in the fuuuuck.

A lot of us pioneers has to take the brunt of punishments, attacks by Indians and Karens and now it
/ easy and no big deal for fleshy fat foucks in their 31,000$ kubota four seater crew cab to run up to the market for Cünt Brothers pizza and Sonoma $3 ciggs.

They should get chased through fields and construction sites and dry creek beds by Deputy Cleatus like I had to put up with. Hide in the woods for 2 hours till fatfouck deputy got hungry and left. Some easy livin for these mfers today.