I just flew in from bear camp tonight and after carrying the new Rugers all year I can say they are just as good as they first appeared. I replaced the Hogue stock on the Alaskan moded and my daughter liked it so much she traded me her stainless 338 M-70 so I cut it down to fit her. She used it on one bear hunt and let me carry it on the last hunt. From a sample size of one I can say the 350 Woodleighs will put a big ( 28 2/16") honest 10 fot bear down right now. I'll have a feature in Rifle or Successful Hunter out this winter on all the details but for right now all I will say is that I I LOVED IT. the rifle is now my daughters and it weighs 7 1/4#
Anyone want a Hogue stock?

Phil Shoemaker
Alaska Master Guide,
Alaska Hunter Ed Instructor
FAA Master pilot

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is not effective has either not used one, or else is unwittingly commenting on their marksmanship.