I saw another thread that got me thinking about it. Those of us over 50 or so, how many of us are happy? For myself, I'm probably happier than I've been in a very long time. I went through some tough times over the last decade or so with my wife's cancer and I lost her after 28 years of marriage two years ago.
But my kids and grandkids are doing well and I get to spend time with them often, I have a few really good friends, a decent job and a good life. I have a new woman in my life who is absolutely amazing and I'm in pretty good health for 54 years old. I retired from the military and have made relatively responsible financial decisions over the years, so I'm pretty secure and should have a pretty comfortable retirement. Not rich, but I'm doing okay. I have a couple of really good dogs that I enjoy training and competing with in retriever hunt tests and field trials. I have a few nice guns that I don't shoot nearly often enough. I live in a place with great fishing that I should take advantage of more often.
I'm thankful for where I am in life.
I hope this doesn't come off as "look at me. My life is great!" That's not the point at all. Of course, I have my struggles and challenges just like everyone else. I'm just curious if most of us here are generally happy with our lives and our choices or if I'm an exception.