Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by jmd025
When you’ve had time to evaluate it I’d love to hear your thoughts on how well the auto adjust reacts to a weapon mounted light . I’ve been considering this optic. I have a 507c ACSS and found the auto adjust not up to par with trijicon , but otherwise happy with it

Excellent question and I'm glad you asked. My initial impression is that HoroChung might have put a lot of thought into this as well. They really seem to be going for a full autonomous optic.

The optic seems to sense light from all direction and adjust accordingly.

I'm on a fully enclosed range next week and we'll be doing night/dark shoot. I'll post how it does.

Thanks . The 507c seems to get its light measurement from directly above the optic (assuming from the solar panel ) , so when using a high lumen light it won’t adjust to the brightness out in front of the gun and washes out . I typically put it in manual mode at night .
My trijicons read the light in front of the gun well , and adjust the brightness quickly so I’m guessing the light sensor is beside the emitter facing forward .

Rabid Creedmoorians ring my doorbell ...
as I open it a crack they speak :
"Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior , 6.5Creed?"