Originally Posted by tylerw02
What it actually says, "Symbols..SOME MVE's may self-identify with: American Contingency: mainstream militia, nationwide; mostly online activity with a low history of violence".

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suite, numbnuts. Words mean things. Glover nor his organization was called a terrorist. It said some MVEs may identify with the group.

You fail to comprehend that which you think you understand. WHY did they use the word MAY and attach it SPECIFICALLY to American Contingency?

When you answer that question honestly (seriously, answer it) you'll understand that Flave was dead nuts accurate.

The we have their use of the word LOW when the word should be NO.

Then we have them essentially ignoring the actual violence that has been carried out under the banner/direction of BLM and ANTIFA.

Comprehension. Context has meaning.