Originally Posted by Dumdum
I would pick electrical, plumbing, welding with the intention to continue education and certification to rapidly upgrade to being an inspector and/or building department code guy.

On the other hand, I’ve been trying to interest an 18 year old grandson in a GIS career.

He is a computer geek and has no interest in hands-on real world occupations like plumbing, electrical, machinist, etc.

The GIS world is massive with many specialties.

There are good paying job openings everywhere.

As I told him, go look at GPSWorld.com to see the vast depth and breadth of GIS.

Google “GIS”, Trimble, Geolocation, surveying, mapping, navigation, etc.

Look up the “online geospatial education program office”.

Go to glassdoor.com and look for “GIS jobs”.

Alas, I think he plans to just keep living in his parents basement for free and earn pin money with DoorDash jobs.

I was a GIS analyst for 11 years

It can be an aggravating field. It’s hard to be in so many things and be good at it.
You have to almost just be a total inside go nowhere computer fàg.
Tough to run a farm, roofing business, manage rental property and be a govt GIS professional all at the same. Also while trying to do your own home dialysis. lol

My coworkers only had one life to live, GIS and world cup soccer. Uggggh. Citidiots that lived in town with zero responsibilities. No kids and no wife and no grass to mow.

If youre young and sharp, it’s an easy and clean field get into.
Caution though, there a lot of Indians (dot) in that field too smart, and willing to work for 30k a year.