Originally Posted by Dutch
Should add nursing to that list. Much easier money than electrician.

Add farming, logging, fishing.

Nursing for the win if you are suited.

2 year degree will get you in, 4 if management is a long term goal.

1 or 2 years on the job, making good money.
Right now I knoiw two local nurses that "travel".

One, has a gig 100 miles away.
3, 12 hour days pay her over $6k. (Not a typo)
Along with around $1k/month stipend for expenses.
She shares an apartment with several like her, keep the balance.

The other works wherever they place her daily, in a small radius.
Not quite as lucrative.

Both, can only work 2 13 week contracts before taking a break.
Unless, the hospital requests an extension, then it's another 13 weeks.

They work a few hours every month at their "home" hospital to maintain
employee status and benefits.
So 4 long days a week, for 39 weeks a year, plus part time for 3 months
gives them around $250k. Plus employee benefits.

Young and single or with a spouse who can move around?
Many chose jobs where they would like to visit.
Get paid damn good money to live there, and a stipend to cover
housing expenses.

I know another couple, both nurses, she travels now, he is soon going to start.
They want to live in Florida, so they plan to keep a home here, and
"Travel" to Florida. Pretty cheese deal there.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!