Originally Posted by battue
How are you fueling up?

Breakfast. 3 scrambled eggs

Snack. Around a quarter pound of chipped roast beaf.

Lunch. Rolled oats with fruit and milk....protein shake.

Snack: PB on a few Triscuts

Dinner: ????

Workout: Treadmill 30 minutes

Benchpress 4x10....Inclined press 4x10...Barbell curles 4x10...Barbell rows....4x10...Wheel rollouts...2x10...Box stepups...1x10.

Good question battue.

I had a NASM certified trainer and nutrition coach review my activities and diet. She said everything was good except I needed more carbs.

I also spoke to a registered dietician last week. She said, "Everyone's telling you to eat a lot of protein, right?" I said, "Yes, and I do that, but the NASM gal said I need more carbs." The dietician agreed.