I worked a call where an auto mechanic had run out of mineral spirits. Instead, he put 5 gallons of gasoline in the big steel tub so he could wash the auto parts. In a while the shop heater kicked on, the spark ignited the gas fumes. He had gasoline on his hands and his clothes were covered in gasoline fumes. His clothes all burned off of his body. He had 98 percent third degree burns. 98 percent third degree is a death sentence, but he had also inhaled much smoke causing lung burns.

He was conscious and alert and walking around when we got there. While we were transporting him to the hospital, 10 minutes away, he asked me three times if his dick was burned off.
My little hospital shipped him to Emory in the medevac chopper. Only 3 hospitals in Georgia have burn units.
He died 12 hours later in the Emory Burn Unit in Atlanta.