Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by Bristoe
When Desantis proposes giving a half billion dollars to African Americans to compensate for their lack of opportunity in education and employment in America, I'll give up my support for Desantis,.....just like I ended my support for Trump when he proposed doing exactly that.

Trump had his chance. He blew it.

Is Desantis the answer? Probably not completely. But people like Desantis and Blake Masters are a step in the right direction.

I became very doubtful about Trump's effectiveness when he allowed the RNC to install Mike Pence as his Veep. I knew Trump had been defeated when he put John Bolton and Eliot Abrams in his administration.

Maybe Desantis will fold also.

It's hard to buck the machine.

But like I said. Trump had his chance. There's nothing to be gained by putting him back in office and having him take up where he left off.

Trump has demonstrated that he's not up to the challenge. It's time to give someone else a chance.

This ^^^^^ x 100,000,000,000,000,000.....

Oh, fer Pete's sake. The only Bolshevik who has heard of Salmon Idaho is trying to get in on the act.

What you said below is all true and it's why Trump lost votes among white males in the last election (as compared to '16). And its why he is finished. Time to give DeSantis a try.

,...and he tried to fix it by offering a half billion dollars to the Negros.

Basically,..the Platinum Plan was reparations.

87% of blacks voted for Biden. Trump proposed rewarding them for that with a half trillion dollars.

If he had got it implemented he *might* have reduced that number to 86%.

Meanwhile,..a big chunk of Caucasians (who aren't Boomers) said "fug that!"

This is what he had planned for the "cullud folks".

I guess he figured the white folks who put him in office could "eat cake".

I'm ready for a GOP candidate who represents the people who puts him in office. I can get all the BLM candidates I want from the Democrats.

"Trumps Platinum Plan"

