Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by CashisKing
Trump has suffered unrelenting smear.

DeSantis will experience the same or worse.

No one is coming to save you... grow a set of balls.

I definitely don't believe that anyone is going to ride in and put America back at the top of the heap. I just want some people in office who can slow down the bleeding.

Looking long term, I see the U.S.A. becoming a giant Brazil. People with the ability to leave will go somewhere else. Most will gravitate to the same area because of shared cultural values. It would be interesting to know where that will be and what it will look like.

Somewhere out there is an American expat nation waiting to be formed. It probably won't number more than 40 million, or so.

I'd rather that the country become balkanized. But I don't see that as a possibility. For one thing, the people who live in the U.S.A. are too split,...by design. Heritage Americans are going to need to put some distance between themselves and those Americans who have been conditioned to hate them.

Agree, you can see the balkanization real time right now, but there are a lot of the POS who helped ruin their region moving to places like Utah/Idaho/Montana/Tenn./Georgia/Florida/etc. etc..
It'll take some time for it to get sorted out, there will come a time & place where old school Americans will let leftywokes know they aren't welcome. <And it won't involve talking.

PRESIDENT TRUMP 2024/2028 !!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.