
Originally Posted by wytex
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by wytex
Wyoming does not have wide spread voter fraud. Out ballot machines do not connect the the internet, they can not at all.
We have paper ballots you mark then they get counted by the machine and are hand counted if any issues or recount come up.
Our elections are secure and safe.
Take your conspiracy theories and stick 'em.

I've said all along Liz may well win the primary because Hageman is not a good choice. We do not need her. The party ran out Hageman and a statutory rapist. Gee thanks !

They can and WILL cheat.

No matter how secure you THINK your elections are, the democrats will figure out a way to beat the system.

Sorry man but take your theories to your own polls.

Secretary Buchanan Responds to Mike Lindell’s
Comments Regarding Wyoming Elections
Cheyenne, WY – Mike Lindell is NOT the purveyor of election integrity truth.
On May 29, 2022, Mike Lindell, peddler of pillows and promises, traveled to Wyoming to speak in
conjunction with a political rally. While here, he took it upon himself to allege publicly that widespread
election fraud occurred in our fair state. He went on to declare that anyone who does not agree with
him is a traitor to our country.
As the Chief Election Officer for the State of Wyoming, it is important for me to ensure that each of
you know that Mr. Lindell’s statement is false. Not only is the allegation he made untrue, it is
designed to influence your opinion and obscure the truth. On behalf of Wyoming’s 23 county clerks,
and my office, I offer you the truth about Wyoming’s elections.
When Mike Lindell began advertising his groundbreaking cybersecurity conference which would
“prove” fraud across the country, my office reached out to his organization. We were eager to find
out what evidence he held. Our goal was to become informed about any proof he had so that we
could take action. Their response was simple. “If you want the information, you will have to attend
the conference.” Think about that for a minute. If you had proof of a crime of Constitutional
proportions, wouldn’t you be eager to share it with anyone who asked?
Unwilling to dismiss any allegation of fraud, we followed Mr. Lindell’s direction and I had my Deputy
Secretary of State and my Communications Director attend the 72 hour conference virtually -
watching the entire thing. There was no evidence presented. Of course, we did see during the
conference, scrolling across the screen, that one could buy his products at a deep discount. We then
reached out to Frank Speech, Mr. Lindell’s organization, several times to again request proof of his
allegations. They provided us with NOTHING. As of today, the only information we obtained from
Mr. Lindell was unearthed by our own staff researching on his website. Each of his claims have
been disproven by the work of my staff. Mr. Lindell’s “facts” include the following:
Lindell’s claim: Wyoming had Dominion voting equipment for the 2020 election. Fact: In May of
2020, all counties received brand new election equipment with state of the art security. It was first
used in the 2020 election and was NOT manufactured by Dominion.