Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Originally Posted by Cheyenne
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
How many died in the wool democrats are crossing party lines to support financially, and vote for Liz Cheney today?

You think that's not cheating?

Each and every one of those people are defrauding you of an honest election process.

That's not cheating. That's just a stupid rule to get around a stupid rule of closed primaries. Why should the taxpayers have to subsidize a club called a political party to select their candidates? Why should a party with only 17% of registered voters (Democrats) get an automatic ticket to the general election? I like open primaries, where a person wins in the primary if s/he gets over 50%, or else the top two go to the general election. As an unaffiliated voter, I have to switch parties to R at the poll to vote in primaries, and then I switch back to unaffiliated before voting in the general election. Being registered as an unaffiliated voter also drastically cuts down on junk mail, phone calls and text messages and generally makes life better.

I disagree.

Anyone can vote for whoever they want on Election Day. But primaries, are for the folks of one party or another to vote who gets to carry that flag.

If you want to make the case to eliminate primaries I’m on board. But open primaries make absolutely zero sense to me.

Agree, and there it seems morally incorrect to switch parties to vote for someone that you want to compete againts or hope to face in the general election. That is weakening your opponent by voting for someone that is harder to win against, or better serves your purpose on the other side. Even suggesting that someone do that, even though legal, is just not right and shows why she should not win. She goes down in a big way today.