Again why the [bleep] did we invade and keep bombing Syria and killing civilians?

Why did the US invade Iraq again. twice? (I served in Iraq). Did Iraq invade America? I cant seem to recall. Both invasion were found to be based on fraud and lies. In retrospect I can't blame the Iranians. I blame our own corrupt government for just randomly invading countries that are no threat to us. War mongering is good money.

So killing thousands of innocent women and children around the world in impoverished third countries will improve our security.?

Funny most of the 9/11 high jackers came from Saudi Arabia and /or were sponsored by them and Pakistan. We give them billions in aid and don't invade them. Bush and Obama and now Biden made sure that they were never touched.

amazing how dumbed down no Americans have become. Play the national anthem. wave a flag and Americans will shcit in their own hand and eat if you state it is patriotic

Originally Posted by 260Remguy
Originally Posted by ribka
Originally Posted by 260Remguy
Originally Posted by Houston_2
Multiple Missile, Drones and bombing runs being conducted against Iranian IRGC positions .


This one ain’t a proxy type venture looks like.

Live fire exercises for the aircrews and an opportunity to dump bombs that are going to expire.

Kill the bad guys, always kill the bad guys, and all Iranians are bad guys from the perspective of a guy who was wounded in Lebanon in 1983.

Syria must have invaded America because America would never have targeted and invaded small impoverished third world countries and just blow up random women and children.

Based on your flawed dumb war mongering logic, then let's go bomb Tokyo, London and Berlin tomorrow!!! They sure killed a lot more Americans Than Iran.

America has bombed and killed over 600,000 civilians in unjust invasions and wars the past few decades. Whats a few trillion more and dead babies and women?

They are killing Iranian Revolutionary Guards who are targeting U.S. forces in Iraq. Protecting the our guys and degrading the enemy's combat power. If the Syrians are letting the Iranians operate inside Syria that's on them.

I don't care about dead Iraqis or dead Afghans, only dead Americans. If we feel the need to kill 10,000 of the enemy in an effort to save 1 American life that's good enogh for me.