Now to be perfectly honest, I had already messed up and didn't know it yet. My inletting on top was not level, I had the action going nose down a bit. I had to use a bit of bedding compound around the front of the action, just a little pad, and pulled it down to the mark I had made on the action. After that set up I let the bottom metal a lil deeper to get it all 'right'.

Then sanding the wood flush to the bottom of the metal and starting to shape the stock.

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I used chisels to shape the grip area. Before doing that I put the bolt with safety shroud on it in the action in the stock. I took a pencil and marked the outline of the shroud on the stock. My goal is to try not to undercut the stock below the shroud. I had a metal 2-screw grip cap to put on this. I was planning on engraving it with my son's initials or his 'brand' that I found in one of his old books. But it wouldn't fit. The inside line of the grip was too 'flat' and it wasn't long enough for the oval to fit. So I guess I get to make a custom grip cap. In the mean time I have a piece of wood on it to help keep from rounding it off.

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