Weather Channel crew be a pack of drama queens and attention hos.

Spent most of my life dealing with and living thru such events. Survived a Cat 1 typhoon in Nam in a 3 man hex a dried up lake bed. Slept right thru it. OTOH, I've also been at ground zero for some serious storms, on Guam and Floriduh. Cat 5 & 4 storms are, uh, ELECTRIFYING! Any of you pecker heads know what a 140 mph rain drop feels like? grin Anyone here ever felt the ground shake due to the size of waves breaking a couple hundred yards away? Really, really big waves...and by the way, any of you ever see what a stop sign can do to the interior of a house when it comes thru the window in the neighborhood of 200 MPH? Didn't think so. Did ya know it can cut a metal frame bed in half?

Suck it up folks, chitt happens.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain