So it begins, this one is first to go.

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Boats are outta the water and in dry storage.

This monstrosity is staying, it's sorta high, considering.
And it's insured to the hilt.

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This one's staying too, been "gonna restore it one day" for a few years now, still will if it don't float away.

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Busy shuffling rigs off the island, gas jumped a dime last night on regular ($3.39 now) but they ain't got none, sold it all yesterday.

Premium only this morning @ $4.09 gal. Not sure how much they were selling it for 24hrs ago.

Trailer loads of toys heading off the islands all morning, side by sides, quads, dirt bikes.
Cargo trailers loaded with household belongings to follow.
Typically see that in the after work hours a day or two prior to predicted landfall.