Good morning my cyber friend to the east, I hope all is going according to plan as much as possible for you.

When the High River flood happened in 2013, if I'm recalling the time sequence correctly, Alberta had more or less just concluded they'd go with the RCMP again and not revert back to an Alberta Provincial Police force which they did have from 1917 to 1932.

There's been a whole bunch of discussion in Alberta about resurrecting an Alberta Police Force, especially in the leadership race for the next United Conservative Party.

If I'm not wrong, the High River RCMP fiasco has been front and center in those discussions.

While I've been a supporter of the RCMP and all Canadian LEO in general, the mess they've made of High River, the Nova Scotia killing spree, the New Brunswick shooting and perhaps we could argue even the loss of 4 members at Mayerthorpe have all eroded public confidence in the RCMP noticeably. That's my opinion only of course.

If you've watched any of Commissioner Lucki's testimony on the inquiry into the Nova Scotia murder spree it's pretty clear - to me - that she was a political appointee plain and simple. The difference between her responses and some of the other senior RCMP brass who said she was pressuring them for the firearm information was day and night - in my view.

Out west here the biggest RCMP detachment in Canada is Surrey, BC and as of 2018 they began to formally transition to their own police services. That didn't look fantastic on the RCMP either really.

We'll see where this all leads, but it's for sure interesting times we're living in.

All the best to you on your hunts this fall.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"