Originally Posted by 673
All good news, however......I do wonder what the motivation for these Provinces/territories is?

Is it because they are concerned about the loss of freedoms for the Citizens of Canada? because none of them gave a shyte previously about our rights/privileges being trampled, whether they be collective or individual rights..... or is it because of some other reason that I have missed?

Originally Posted by Wannabebwana
Took over 2 years for these premiers to find their nuts. Wouldn’t have anything to do with Polievre, would it?

Honestly, I think they smell blood in the water re Turdeau. If Poiliviere wasn't polling so well, they'd be good little lap dogs.

I wonder how long until Turdeau fart-sniffer Ford jumps on. If BC jumps on, Turdeau will back off, I think. There seems to have been a groundswell against the Good Ol' Boy way of doing things in their recent municipal elections.