Originally Posted by pete53
here is another thought ? January 2023 the Whitehouse will see a big change most likely ? ever thought about some of the Provinces succeeding to America ? you guys deserve better and should keep all of your rights including your guns , plus you guys should be able to own handguns too if your not a criminal. good people should not have freedoms taken away ever that`s B.S. period. right now us Americans have a idiot in Washington by a dishonest election we plan on changing that too.
Why in the hell would Canadians decide to let themselves be governed by Washington DC, New York, and California? Doesn't matter which party is in charge, there would be nothing to gain. Now, if it were possible to drive a spike just north of Duluth, pivot the border so it ran along the west bank of the Mississippi, then slice off a fifty mile wide swath along the west coast, I could almost go for that.
What we really need is for the whole country to simply come to its senses and quit electing free-spending fools to public office. GD