"If we were really serious about "the war on drugs" we would have invaded Central America in force years ago.

Yes, we need to declare war and the US military should be deployed to the maximum and eradicate every cartel stronghold worldwide, but as long as we have greedy spineless politicians the drug problem will only get worse."

Think about this, how much money do we spend on those countries? Stop all foreign aid to those countries not trying to stop the cartels. Give a reasonable time limit after which we declare the cartels a clear and present danger to the security of the USA. Notify the leaders of those countries that have not stopped the cartels that we will eliminated them immediately. Be very sure the Tomahawks are already on the way.

Make the selling of drugs a death penalty crime with no exceptions. Do it from the street level to the highest in the local, state or national chain. You get caught? You die. No exceptions.

Years back, I almost got fired from my job. Back then, my kids would stop by if I was working a swing or graveyard shift and brig me a burger or maybe a a shake as most shifts were slower than honey in the winter when weather was good. One time, my stepson stopped by and said "M" gave me these and told me to have fun. Now "M" was an apprentice learning to do weather. Why they ever hired him is way beyond me, but, they did. Now he came off his days off and was to work with me the last three swing shifts. He didn't like what happened. I almost got fired. I'll leave at that as I broke a few laws in the process. I let him live but convinced him what would happen if he screwed up again. After all I WAS friends with his mom and dad. Not anymore.

Our forefathers did not politely protest the British.They did not vote them out of office, nor did they impeach the king,march on the capitol or ask permission for their rights. ----------------They just shot them.