I perforated several moose hides with the old 270 - 150 spire point. Several at 300 to 400 yards in the old burns. This was back in the 60's and 70's. Before the interlock and some before the innergroove. Some bullets were recovered and none exited. Usually took a couple of rib cage hits before they tipped over. One old bull at 300 yds dropped like a stone. High rib cage hit, steep uphill and nicked the spine. A smaller bull was knocked down so fast all I could see was 4 feet waving when I got my scope back on him. Not sure of the hit as my brother took the carcass to the butcher
We had a target set up at 500 yards on the ranch. Practiced lots on this and could get 4-5 inch groups from a rest. I stiil shoot lots of these great bullets.