My local gunshop just got in several pounds (6 pounds I that I saw on the shelf) of IMR 4350 and it was priced at $50.75 per pound.
My jaws were tight - so I hesitated. Even though my local gunshop is usually $2.00 to $3.00 a pound cheaper than all the other outlets win 100 miles of me.
Low and behold all of that IMR 4350 sold in less than two days!
SO.... this most recent shortage (I think induced by reloading component manufacturers!) has folks "buffaloed" into these egregious prices???
No matter the "cause" a NEW DAY has befallen handloaders!
NO primers at all were available at my local gunshop and haven't been for some time.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Oh for 1969 prices and availability of components.
Hold into the wind