I can't believe the posts in this thread talking about price gouging and other reloaders being greedy. The price of a dozen eggs has damn near tripled in the last year at my local grocery store. The price of diesel is through the roof and when you buy 1000gals at a time it smarts. If you want decent service at a store the owners have to pay a decent wage that's gonna make sure the employees earn enough to drive to work and have a reasonable life.

Anytime government prints up a few trillion dollars out of thin air prices are going to rise and rise big. That's why they do it. It increases the tax revenue relative to the debt.

I've never seen anyone forced to buy reloading supplies and I don't see anything wrong with powder companies or retailers charging a fair price for their products and the last thing I'm worried about is some old farts on social security socking away a few of their bucks by buying some more powder, primers, or other hard assets to shelter themselves a little from inflation in their old age. What I am concerned about is what this stuff will cost in two or three years time, because I have a feeling these are the good old days.