Originally Posted by Seafire
Sorry for those that didn't feel they had a good season..

Myself, at my age... If nothing else I enjoy the number of relaxing walks or the days I got to spend out with mother nature and enjoy the beauty of what Oregon's mountains can offer for scenery....

Still have until Friday.....its suppose to start raining tho tomorrow night...

a lot of people around here seem to love hunting in wet weather, because they can sneak up on the deer they think...

I'm more the fair weather type of hunter. I hate being in the rain... never minded being in the snow in Minnesota tho when I lived there for 15 years.

Hunting in the rain sucks the big one!

Not only is it super uncomfortable, but from what I have seen in Northern Canada, is that when it rains, animals hunker down. Apparently they do not enjoy getting soaked either lol Snow is a different story, nice to see their fresh "Puddy Prints" :o)

Best of luck this week Seafire!

Cheers ~