Originally Posted by Brad
What are you calling a "shoulder"?

Since you're talking about breaking it, I assume you're talking about bone. Is the bone the scapula or the heavy upper leg bone/knuckle? Or are we just talking the shoulder meat and the ribs behind it?
About any bullet will just poke a hole through the blade of a scapula. You need to hit the joint between it and the humerus. I prefer to hit a bit farther back, just above the point of the elbow, not worrying about breaking the bones. Do that and you've got heart and lungs. It's not going far. I've shot 3 of my last 4 elk there and none went 5 yards..

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.