Anybody want a friendly wager? $50 Trump loses in 2024 if he runs. If you can't win now, when can you? Don't get me wrong, I'll vote for him but I'll gladly take some $$ when Joe hidin beats his ass again. (Which is just tragically hilarious, steal or not.)

These dumbasses... What are you going to do when you win the house & senate? "Repeal IRS agents and investigate Hunter and covid. We're going to outlaw abortion, across the land."

Flipping R.I.P. after that little gem. 60% of the country disagreed with the SC overturning Roe. If you get past the fact that Roe was bad precedent, it STILL means 60% are against a ban on abortion. So saying if Rs get the house & Senate we'll ban abortion is a flipping DEATH SENTENCE for the Senate midterms, and it very nearly cost the house.

You blind morons... you need the independent vote and independents don't give a sheeeit about hunter or covid origins. They would vote R for the economy PERIOD - but not when you pissed off 60% of the voters on abortion. In fact, they're (independents) probably all tired as hell, just as tired as Rs, about the nonstop fake trials and investigations to flipping nowhere the dems ran the last six years. I'm not saying don't investigate, but it can't be a top 3 priority. Read the room dumbasses.

Instead of having a clear stance on abortion "this is how I personally feel, but i will commit to following the will of the voters and put the state law on abortion to a popular vote", they flipping ran from it, ignored it, or put up a flashing billboard that said we'll use the state by state mandate to ban it, or Senate vote a national ban. What EXTRA voters did that attract? Zero. How many did it turn into single issue voters? Tons. And you needed them. What a bunch of idiots.

Last edited by CoRifleman; 11/14/22.